Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 24 - My Favorite Piece of Art

Now that I'm back from a wonderful (non-relaxing) trip to Disney World with my daughter, let me get back to this blog challenge.

My favorite piece of art is pretty much any thing Sara makes.  She's made some awesome pieces, and I have an entire wall in my dining room dedicated to her artful crafts! 

Included on that wall is an entire herd of zebras, multiple paintings, and lots of other random pieces.  But my favorite of all of them is packed in a box, so I was unable to photograph it for you.  It was my Christmas gift this year, and was the very first handmade ornament Sara has ever made me.  It was a wreath cut from paper with her picture in the middle, and then other little pieces of paper (cut in the shape of stockings and candy canes) glued around the edge.  I love it so much! 

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