Monday, August 20, 2012


Today Sara started her educational journey attending her first day of kindergarten!

Sara showed no hesitation as we walked into her classroom.  It was full to the max with parents and kids (there's 27 students in Sara's class), so I carried Sara to her seat since there was no way to maneuver her walker or wheelchair through the crowd.  Once to her seat, Sara started working on her assignment and chatting with the other kids right away. 

Sara's new para (an educational assistant that will be with Sara for the entire day to help her with her physical limitations and medical needs) introduced herself.  Her name is Bridget, and my first impressions of her is that she will work out well.  She asked me if there was anything she needed to know right away since she'd only been hired last week, and I told her that Sara would tell her everything she needed to know to help her....but if something came up I left my cell number with her as well.  Its nice to know that Sara will have someone with her each day to give her that extra support she needs.  She will be instrumental in getting Sara back to school after her surgery.

Here are a couple of pics of my peanut on her first day!  As you can see, she's really excited to be starting school.

Sara at her desk ready to work!

Sara getting to know Bridget.

I can't believe it!  I remember sitting in the hospital holding her in my arms thinking this day was so far away, and now here we are.  Some days it feels like I've only had her home from the hospital for a few months, and then I think about all the testing and hospitalizations and realize how long its really been since the first time I saw her and held her in my arms.

And as I am sad to see this young part of her childhood end, I'm also so excited for this part of her life to begin.  Sara loves school, and its a good thing because she wants to be a doctor when she grows up.  Unlike most kids, her future profession in her adult life never changes.  Most kids her age tell you something different every time you ask them, but not mine.  She is already bound and determined to be a doctor, and I'm in complete support of that.  But that means letting her know how important her education is and pushing her to be the best she can be.  I'm not ready for her to go to school, but she is...and that's what matters.

Why does it go by so fast?    I blinked and here we are, and I will blink again and I will be sending her off to college...probably pre-med no less!  I know that I'm not the only mother who wishes time would stand still, even if only for one extra day.  But time waits for no one, and life must go on....even if we're not ready yet.

Have a great day peanut!  I can't wait to hear all about it!

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