Monday, December 27, 2010

Off To Salt Lake City, UT

Tomorrow morning Sara and I will start the drive to the University of Utah to meet with a new doctor for a consultation about Sara's NF.  Sara will also be enrolled in a couple research studies to help discover more information about NF in general that could help her now, and will definitely help others in the future. 

Its about a 7.5 hr drive, but I'm thinking it will take us about 9 hrs to complete considering we'll have to stop for lunch and every couple hours for Sara to get out of her car seat and burn off some energy.  Hopefully it will all go smooth.  As of right now, the weather service isn't reporting any storms between here and there.  Although, that isn't the case for Thursday when we're hoping to drive home.

I promise that I will blog about this little adventure as often as I can while we are away.  I know there are many of you that are anxious to hear what the new doctor and research people have to say.  Sara's actual appointments start on Wednesday morning, and may continue in the afternoon.  I'm excited to hear what they have to say, and to share it with all of you.

So until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels!!! We'll be thinking of you and Sara tomorrow. May you have a good of an experience as we've had.
